Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Beyond the Summit: the Everest Environmental

In 1953, a brave group of visionaries stood on the highest point on earth - the summit of Mt Everest. Their amazing accomplishment was a first.

Forty-seven years later, and unfortunately hundreds of discarded oxygen bottles and tons of debris later, a group of environmentalists endeavour to take this achievement one step further - and conduct the largest environmental cleanup of this extraordinary natural wonder.

One of the most beautiful places on earth, Mt Everest has sadly become a depository for unwanted debris. The highest camp on Everest, Camp 5, is known as the world’s highest trash dump. This documentary follows the largest cleanup expedition of Mt. Everest, a historical event that took place in the spring of 2000.

Littered with hundreds and hundreds of discarded oxygen bottles and tons of garbage, the faces of Mount Everest were in sore need of a full scale cleanup. Two previous teams in 1995 and 1998 lead by Hoffman, recovered over 500 oxygen bottles and removed more than a ton of debris from the mountain. The goal of the 2000 expedition was to continue this high altitude cleanup endeavour, and hopefully to return this unique location to near-original condition in time for the 50th anniversary celebrating the first ascent of 1953.

The film covers the team of Americans and Sherpas - from the spiritual rituals at Base Camp - to the cleanup operation - to the treacherous summit itself.
It also tracks Apa Sherpa’s triumphant record breaking 11th summit and Sherman Bull’s attempt to be the oldest person (63) to ever summit Mt Everest.

HARGA 35.000


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