Rabu, 15 Juni 2011


It is a modern time. In the language of free time climbing climbers. But two great climbers in Yosemite will be selected. Their aim is El Capitan. One of the greatest wall in the world. On the right side of this huge wall is "Tangerine Trip." Known "hákovačka" highest difficulty. First time on the ascent in 70 years, tried to Royal Robbins. The climbing legend, the author of dozens of Yosemite ascent, using all possible technical means made ​​in 7 days, about two hundred meters down this road and then returned with the fact that the output is very difficult. Difficulty is caused by the very nature of the rocks and walls previslosťou. Nowhere else in the world is layered rock in a way, glaciers and smoothed with no catch. The wall section is 750 meters from base to highest point of weeping about 100 meters! Lesions only by technical means, otherwise it is simply impossible.

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