Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Biwak - Vol. 04

Biwak - Vol. 04: Eine Luftfahrt über dem Elbsandstein/ Steile Rampen und Bergsteigen im

"An Air Navigation on the Elbe"
A hot air balloon Moderator Thorsten goes over the Saxon Switzerland, and includes stunning shots from the air. Also reported BIWAK how the climbing routes are restored in the Saxon Switzerland, for example at Böhme tower above Schmilka. A pleasant tour of the Alps BIWAK has to offer, too: A team from Dresden to explore the Swiss Grimsel pass a sport climbing route.

"Steep ramps and climbing in the Golden Autumn"
Moderator Thorsten explored together with a bike-crazy Dresdner Bohemian Switzerland and enjoys fantastic views of the volcano between Decin and Liberec. At the pinnacle of the bold "Dogg tower" in the Tisa walls meet BIWAK a Saxon, who moved to the Czech Republic. The autumn of his very best side shows the BIWAK-hiking tips. In Upper Lusatia it comes in bright sunshine through colorful hardwood forests of Crostau to Bieleboh.

"Hiking and climbing on the Atlantic island of Madeira"
With a genuine top-Saxon book case in the luggage Thorsten traveled to Madeira. Even on the island in the Atlantic Ocean, is spoken by Saxon and climbed original Saxon rules. Along flower-water runs through beautiful eucalyptus forests and lonely paths, the tour. On "Sachseneck" in the far north-west of Madeira, high above the sea to the summit book will find its place.



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