Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Biwak - Vol. 03

Biwak - Vol. 03: Per Fahrrad durch Rübezahls Reich/ Eine Tour durch die Ostalpen/ Extremb

 "By bike through Krakonoš Reich
Hiking and skiing in the Giant Mountains - more and more German on holiday between ridge and Sněžka. BIWAK-Moderator Thorsten Kutschke explored Krakonoš mountainous kingdom by bicycle. There are Family Law - three climbers try their hand at the curb stones of the Saxon Switzerland in a genuine classics and the circumnavigation of Mount Kailash - Dresdner mountaineers visit the sacred mountain of the Tibetans.

"A tour of the Eastern Alps"
Torsten Kutschke moves on the "Lusatian Trail" - a 15-kilometer climb high above the middle of the mountains of Ahrntal Großvenediger, Dreiherrnspitze and Hochgall. One issue is the changing history of the "Neugersdorf hut. Moreover BIWAK divers from Zwickau accompanied on their journey of discovery, looking back on the successful Himalayan expeditions Saxon mountaineers in the summer of 2007.

'Extreme climber in Saxon Switzerland "
Alexander Huber and Bernd Arnold climbs a difficult crack climb at the top of the monk above Rathen. Thorsten Kutschke and his team visit in Tettnang near Lake Constance, a test lab for outdoor textiles and ask: What kind of clothing is recommended in the mountains for what kind of weather?
And BIWAK a new climber's paradise visited in the Thuringian Forest: The "Hülloch" at Tambach-Dietharz.



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