Selasa, 31 Mei 2011


For a hundred years the Naranjo de Bulnes has become the ultimate symbol of rock climbing in Spain. At this time the best generations of climbers have been measured in their vertical walls and elegant. Each challenge represented a step forward, a struggle, an attempt to go further. Since the first ascent, made in 1904 by the Marquis de Villaviciosa, Don Pedro de Pidal, and Gregory Smith "The Cainejo" El Naranjo has been one of those "peaks copies, one of these tops perfect. One hundred years later, two young Spanish climbers, at the same time are two of the world's best climbers, and Josue Bereziartu Iker Pou, wanted to take another step in that direction, driven by the same spirit that surfers looking for the wave perfect. Have thus undertaken a vertical dance in a vacuum, with the help of the team of The Edge of the impossible, looking for the smartest of moves in a line that represents the purity of perfection: the Pillar of Biscay.

harga 50.000


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